Sometimes someone says something that changes history or that recognizes a new era. At times these speakers led and changed public opinion, and at times they were simply aware of the reality of what was happening. They were in the right position at the right moment in time to make statements of phenomenal import. These quotations are insightful, bold, defining, trend-setting, sobering, foreboding, inspiring, exciting, motivational. Consider these few examples.
"Having undertaken, for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do by these presents solemnly and mutually, in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine our selves together." (William Bradford)
"That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, Free and Independent states; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown; and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain is, and ought to be, totally dissolved." (Richard Henry Lee)
"In my opinion, [slavery agitation] will not cease, until a crisis shall have been reached, and passed." (Abraham Lincoln)
"I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire." (Franklin D. Roosevelt)
"I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth." (John F. Kennedy)
These quotations by men mark pivotal moments in American history: the establishment of a colony by the Pilgrims, the movement for independence from Britain, the impending threat of civil war, the entry into World War II, and the initiation of serious space exploration. Can you imagine what it must have been like to be there and hear those words? To realize the implication of what they meant? To realize that life would change irrevocably after that moment?
There are quotations by men in the Bible which also note monumental events. I recently read two that are absolutely staggering in terms of impact. These were watershed moments - unexpected realizations of something that had long been awaited or that had never been anticipated.
Situation #1: The Jews were under Roman bondage. Many had returned to their homeland, but their kingdom had been destroyed hundreds of years before. The Jews had lived in slavery, separated from their country, facing difficulty and sometimes the threat of destruction. Their religious practice, their self-government, and their culture were all impacted. They faced oppression and restrictions, they lived with some level of fear and uncertainty, and their native tongue was no longer their primary language.
In these difficult circumstances, there were some Jews who had hope. They studied the Scriptures, and they found numerous prophecies of a coming redeemer. They believed a day was coming when their culture, worship, and nation would be restored to its former glory. The history of the Jews is filled with waiting. So they waited. They had waited so long that it may have seemed that the deliverer would never come. How many generations had come and gone without seeing the answer? There was no imminent expectation that their own generation would be any different.
Then one day a man named Andrew was out with his leader, John. John preached repentance. John spoke of hope. John pointed out a Man as special. Andrew and his friend followed the Man. They listened to His teaching. They formed their conclusions. Andrew went to his brother Peter and spoke these words: "We have found the Messiah" (John 1:41).
Can you imagine hearing that message? For centuries, millennia even, Jews had waited. They had hoped. They had died without seeing the answer. Now - NOW - here - in their lifetimes - the answer had come! The Messiah was here! They had found Him! Everything was different!
Situation #2: Jesus had lived, died, risen again, and returned to heaven. The church of believing Jews was growing astronomically. People were being saved by the thousands. Churches were being formed. People were being taught. They were loving and helping each other. They were even experiencing persecution.
All of this meant that salvation had come. The Truth had come. Many had accepted the Truth and were following Him faithfully. The Jews who believed now had a new identity, a new unity, a new purpose. They now understood what had previously been hidden to them. Their partial knowledge had turned to fuller comprehension. To be a Christian was to be an enlightened and believing Jew.
Then chaos threatened. Peter, one of the apostles, went to a family of the Gentiles and preached the gospel to them. He baptized them as followers of the Messiah. In essence, he was treating them as members of the church. This did not sit well with the other Jewish leaders. They demanded an explanation. Peter explained God's very clear leading and the evidence that God was extending the Truth to people outside the Jewish race. The early church leaders responded: "Well then, God has granted to the Gentiles also the repentance that leads to life" (Acts 11:18).
What a statement! Who would have anticipated that God would extend salvation outside the Jewish nation? The Jews had always been His chosen people. The other nations had always been pagans - rejected, godless, ignorant. By all indications, they were under God's wrath. But now He was extending salvation to them! They were welcome to believe the Gospel and follow God! From that day forward, everything has changed for those who were formerly condemned and without hope. We were included! We can be redeemed!
Glory to God for creating earth-shattering moments and for allowing men to recognize them! Praise to God for the wonderful truth He has freely given! Thank God for including us in His eternal plan!