
This blog focuses on the quest to know and please God in a constantly increasing way. The upward journey never ends. My prayer is that this blog will reflect a heart that seeks God and that it will encourage others who share the same heart desire.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

How Blessed - Part 4 (The Righteous)

"How blessed is/are ... !" God intends blessing for Israel. Blessing is found in God's  presence and in being free from sin. A fourth channel of blessing is by living righteously.

"For it is You who blesses the righteous man, O LORD, You surround him with favor as with a shield" (5:12, all verses from Psalms). The emphasis is that it is God who blesses. While people often trust in other sources, nothing can powerfully protect like God can. God is a refuge and shelter (v. 11) and a surrounding shield. God's blessing protects, and it also surrounds people with favor, goodwill, and pleasure. This divine protection and favor is especially shown to the man who is upright in conduct and character.

"Behold, for thus shall the man be blessed who fears the LORD" (128:4). With four verses revealing the same characteristic, fearing the Lord is clearly an important factor in receiving God's blessing. The righteous man views God with reverence, godly fear, respect, honor, and awe.

"He will bless those who fear the LORD, the small together with the great" (115:13). This second verse about fearing God reveals that both small and great are included. The terms refer to size, age, or significance. Someone doesn't have to be a great, important person to receive God's blessing. God sees the upright heart, even when someone is unnoticed by others. The blessing might not be flashy. Some of the people blessed by God are "small" and may still be perceived that way even after receiving God's blessing. The fact that someone is not in an eye-catching position does not mean that God isn't blessing.

"How blessed is the man who fears the LORD, who greatly delights in His commandments" (112:1). This verse shares two characteristics; the first is fearing the Lord. Blessing comes to the man who is not presumptuous, haughty, or self-absorbed. Because he puts himself in the proper position, he doesn't diminish the honor due to God. He recognizes God as highly exalted and worthy of the utmost reverence. This leads naturally to the second characteristic, delighting in His commandments. One who fears God realizes he must honor and obey God, so the blessed man takes pleasure in doing what God asks.

"How blessed is everyone who fears the LORD, who walks in His ways" (128:1). This fourth verse once again identifies fearing God as a means of blessing, and then gives a second characteristic: walking in His ways. Referring to one's manner of living, everything that this man does on a regular basis as he goes through life is within the path that God has set out for him. He follows the direction that God has chosen and takes the steps that God has ordained.

"His descendants will be mighty on earth; the generation of the upright will be blessed" (112:2). Referring back to the man who fears the Lord and delights in His commandments, this verse gives one new description - that he is upright. He is straight, correct, and proper, with no deception or wavering. He is sincerely dedicated to doing what is right without compromising. The blessing on this man actually extends beyond him to impact his descendants and leave a mighty legacy.

"How blessed are those who keep justice, who practice righteousness at all times!" (106:3). Blessing comes to those who keep justice, who carefully and consistently make right decisions, who evaluate situations to distinguish what is right and wrong, and who take action for the right. Blessing also comes to those who consistently practice righteousness, doing right at all times. Both characteristics display a dedication to doing what is right with regularity and constancy. This man isn't unpredictable, swayed by the situation, or inconsistent during some stages of life; rather, he has a lifetime of deliberate, faithful pursuit of what is right.

"How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, who seek Him with all their heart" (19:2). First, the blessed man observes God's testimonies. Like a watchman or guard protects what is under his care, he carefully keeps God's divine laws. He is diligent to maintain their integrity and purity. Second, the blessed man seeks God with all his heart. He comes to God in prayer and worship, desiring to know His mind and desires. He is fervently and fully devoted to God, not half-hearted or sporadic. He has a high level of dedication to God and His commands.

"He shall receive a blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation" (24:5). The blessed man is identified in the previous verse: "He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully." God's blessing comes to a man of integrity, who has four characteristics. First, he has clean hands. He is innocent and free from guilt and has not used his hands for ungodly actions. Second, he has a pure heart, clear and sincere. His cleanliness is not merely external, but his heart is clean toward God. Third, he has not lifted up his soul to falsehood. He has not given himself to carrying communication that is empty, vain, or false. Fourth, he has not sworn deceitfully. He has not taken an oath under treachery. His word and character can be trusted. This man of internal and external integrity receives blessing from God.

"How blessed is he who considers the helpless; the LORD will deliver him in a day of trouble" (41:1). God blesses those who look on the helpless; the primary emphasis seems to be their physical situation: social, financial, health. They have actual, meetable needs, and the man who will be blessed identifies, evaluates, and helps. God in turn delivers and intervenes when he is in need.

Obviously, righteous people have problems. Their lives are not perfect, and they might not be affluent. Regardless, there is very real blessing for those who live righteously in the fear of God.

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