
This blog focuses on the quest to know and please God in a constantly increasing way. The upward journey never ends. My prayer is that this blog will reflect a heart that seeks God and that it will encourage others who share the same heart desire.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Seven-Day Challenge

My previous post talked about the importance of thinking Biblically. Spending time in the Word, both for specific timely issues and as a regular foundation-building habit, is critical to development of this skill. Other things can help (or hinder). In short, we curtail our ability to think Biblically when our mind is too full of other things.

While there may not be anything wrong with other materials we might read, a significant diet of fiction, Christian romance, magazines, political writings, newspapers, etc., will take up valuable space and focus in our minds, thereby limiting what we have available to devote to the Bible. Frequent reading of these other materials can introduce subtle errors (even in Christian writing) and can dull our spiritual sensitivity.

Even more dangerous than written material is the audio and video input from the entertainment world. Whether by choice or unavoidably as we go about our day, we frequently hear the world’s music. It is easy to watch television and movies for hours each day. Some of that input is absolute filth; even the best of it is likely to fill our minds with the philosophy and chaos of the world.

A third category that can be detrimental to Biblical thinking is our immersion in entertainment and gadgets. We spend so much time plugged in – playing games, texting, surfing the Internet, etc. - that our minds become saturated with that input. In addition to the electronic world, we can also fill our days with constant activity: sports, organizations, hobbies, or shopping. The constant entertainment and activities don’t leave much room for Biblical thoughts, which can be squeezed out.

We can help ourselves in our quest to think Biblically by limiting or eliminating these things that fight against us. We need to have time to be still and ponder God - time to be quiet so that we can hear His voice. So here’s the seven-day challenge. Put aside the TV, the iPhone, the Wii, the romance novels, (or whatever your personal distractions are) for one week. You don’t even have to spend the extra time in the Bible, although that’s a great way to spend some of it. Sit outside, watch the squirrels, visit a friend, talk with family members, cook something special, work on a project. I think you’ll be surprised at the difference in your spirit after you spend a week “unplugged.” As your mind is freed from distractions, you will find it easier to hear the voice of God and to focus on Biblical thoughts.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (NASB)

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