It is easy to recognize and accept these facts. It is much harder to live these truths on a daily basis. Humans are weak, and life is busy. With all that a day or a week can introduce, it is easy to start living and thinking and making decisions without considering what the Bible has to say. One can easily proceed through large chunks of life without consciously pondering the words of Scripture, leaving him without the help that he most needs.
What is the answer? How can a believer be more consistently focused on his source of help? God gave some instructions to the Israelites, as He impressed on them the constant and comprehensive nature of their need for His Word.
"You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" (Deuteronomy 11:18-20).
The simplest aspect of God's instruction was the external. "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. ... You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." The Israelites (and later the Pharisees) took these instructions literally, and the practice continues among orthodox Jews into the present. Phylacteries are small black boxes that contain portions of Scripture. These boxes are strapped to the forehead and the left arm during morning prayers, particularly by Jewish men.
This very practical exercise would indeed remind one of the importance of God's Word, at least as long as the phylacteries were worn. Placards on the doorpost of the house would serve as reminders each time one entered the home. Now for some honesty. Those well-intentioned reminders can quickly become commonplace and overlooked. How often do believers' eyes pass over the Bible verses posted on their walls without stopping even to read the words, much less consider them? Publically posted Scripture, whether on apparel or in the home, is helpful, but it is not the full answer.
"You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up." The posted Scripture can be a good prompt or reminder, but the need for Scripture goes much deeper. The Bible and its truth must become a central focus of life and permeate every aspect of life. The Bible's truth must come up frequently in consideration and conversation. Because the Bible has an impact on everything that a Christian does every day, the Bible should be remembered and referred to every day.
This does not refer simply to quoting Scripture at various times, especially not if the recitation is merely habitual. Rather, Christians are to seek to apply the truths of Scripture in the midst of life. At home or while traveling, the Bible's truth must be considered. When the day is ended and evaluated, or when a new day is begun and anticipated, God's truth must be pondered. Christians should regularly seek to filter their thoughts, activities, and decisions with the Scripture's guidance. As wonderful (and challenging) as this step is, there is still more.
"You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul." The Bible is more than just outward reminders. It is more than just practical, daily consideration. The deepest need is to internalize the Scripture. The Bible's words must become part of who believers are on the inside, at their deepest level. The Bible must drive and motivate them. This level of intensity does not come from occasional glances at a wall hanging or brief discussions of right behavior. This comes from sober, regular, devoted dependence on and study of God's Word.
Without this important internal devotion, the external reminders and even the thoughtful discussions will leave a Christian weak and without the help he needs. Indeed, believers are weak. It is far too easy to forget the very Scripture one needs. It is too easy to forget to think biblically. Sincere Christians will return to the Bible's truths on a regular basis, but the reality is that there are still gaps in that continuity. There are still stretches of time when the heart is not directed toward Scripture.
Truly Christians need constant reminders. They can and should utilize as many methods as possible to keep the Scripture in front of them. That very well may start with verse cards or posters or home decor. Wearing Scripture-emblazoned ties or carrying Bible-quoting tote bags, however, is only an empty show if not accompanied by a heart desire. Gradually, the daily conversations about and considerations of Scripture should increase. The more a Christian does these things, the closer he will come to the constant, internal, scriptural saturation that is necessary for life.
No results of this depth can happen immediately. Such results can be achieved, however, with God's help and by a habitual effort and intention to work toward those goals one step at a time. The more consistent that focus becomes, the more scripturally anchored a believer will be.
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