
This blog focuses on the quest to know and please God in a constantly increasing way. The upward journey never ends. My prayer is that this blog will reflect a heart that seeks God and that it will encourage others who share the same heart desire.

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Thanksgiving - Part 2

The previous blog (Psalm 115) examined the contrast between false gods and the true God. The true God is worthy of thanks because He is infinitely superior; in essence the false gods are dead, unresponsive, and unable to help, while God is living, involved, and powerful.

Psalm 36 is another great Thanksgiving psalm; it contrasts God with unregenerate man. While the false gods are merely powerless, man is actively wicked. The first four verses describe a man who hears transgression speak to him within his heart. He has no fear of God. He feels flattered when his acts of wickedness are uncovered, especially when people are offended by them. His words overflow with wickedness and deceit. He has stopped being wise and has stopped doing good. He lies awake at night planning more wickedness, and he deliberately places himself in evil paths.

What a terrible world to live in, surrounded by such depths of evil! If this depravity were all that man knew, this world and this life would be dark indeed. Thankfully, a righteous God exists and makes Himself known in phenomenal contrast to the wickedness of man. While man reaches the deepest abysses and darkest quagmires of ugliness and sin, God excels by contrast, as He reaches the highest levels of holiness and wonder.

"Your lovingkindness, O LORD, extends to the heavens" (v. 5). God's kindness and tender goodness are beyond the reach of any human. His love is greater than the world itself is even able to hold. There is no limit to the kind, tender love of God, and He is constantly pouring it out upon His children.

"Your faithfulness reaches to the skies" (v. 5). People cannot be relied on, but God is completely trustworthy. He is firm and steadfast, never changing. Again, there is no way to reach beyond the realms of God's faithfulness. In every area of life, in every promise of His Word, and in every aspect of His character, God is flawless. His record is spotless and irreproachable, because He continually acts as He has said He will act, and He constantly is who He claims to be.

"Your righteousness is like the mountains of God" (v. 6). God is completely just, righteous, and ethical. He never does wrong or makes the wrong decision. He can be completely trusted to do the right thing. Not only is God's righteousness far higher than man can attain, but it is also unshakeable and firm. Nothing can disturb, displace, or destroy His righteousness.

"Your judgments are like a great deep" (v. 6). The decisions, actions, and verdicts that God decrees are another important aspect of His being. God never makes an error in judgment, regardless of the thorniness of the dilemma. Man can be too shallow and too limited to understand a scenario, but God's judgments are profound. There is no plumbing the depths of them. There is no reaching the bottom, or the limit, of what He can handle.

"How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! And the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Your wings. They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights" (vs. 7-8). God's character is very precious. What a wondrous privilege and blessing to have a God who is so loving, so nurturing, and so caring. He provides all that His children need, and there is no end to His resources. God's blessings are so abundant that man cannot even absorb them all.

In a wicked world filled with wicked men, in which even Christians can discern the wicked inclinations of their own hearts, God is holy and righteous. While man is shallow and limited, God's character knows no limitations. The aspects of His character are more lofty than man can scope and more profound than man can fathom.

I am thankful for a God whose lovingkindness is so elevated. I am thankful for a God whose faithfulness is so towering. I am thankful for a God whose righteousness is so indomitable. I am thankful for a God whose judgments are so profound. I am thankful for a God whose loving care is so limitless. I am glad that no one can come close to matching the magnificence of my God.

Certainly, it is right and appropriate to be thankful for the specific blessings of life, for material provision, and for practical displays of God's goodness. Let us not neglect, however, to be thankful for the incredible character of God that prompts His practical provision. He is a great God!

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ" (Ephesians 1:3).

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