Example #1: Saul
Devoutly mired in false religion, Saul was a declared enemy
of the early Christian church. He witnessed and approved their martyrdom. He
led in active persecution. "Saul
began ravaging the church, entering house after house, and dragging off men and
women, he would put them in prison" (Acts 8:3). "Breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the
Lord," Saul sought permission "so
that if he found any belonging to the Way, both men and women, he might bring
them bound to Jerusalem" (Acts 9:1-2). As Saul went on his journey of
hatred, God dramatically confronted him with a blinding light and a voice from
heaven. Saul was converted, and the one who "used
to persecute the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it"
became a devoted minister of God to "preach
Him among the Gentiles"(Galatians 1:13,16). Renamed Paul, this man endured
persecution to carry the gospel to many parts of the known world and authored half
the books of the New Testament.
Example #2: John
John Newton's life at sea began at age eleven. Newton went
on numerous voyages and developed habits of profanity, drinking, and gambling. Newton
himself admitted, "I sinned with a high hand, and I made it my study to
tempt and seduce others." During his naval service, he attempted desertion
and considered murdering the captain who punished him. To escape the navy, Newton
joined a slave ship and spent several rough years in the slave trade, where he
was ruthless and abusive. On one voyage, he was caught in a fierce and lengthy
storm; his ship seemed doomed. This man, whose early childhood instruction
about God had long ago vanished, found himself praying in desperation. While
his words did not come from a heart that sought God, he later contemplated his
prayer. He believed that God had intervened in his life; this incident,
followed by further thought during a severe illness, led to his conversion.
Newton went on to become a well-known preacher and hymn writer for several
decades. His self-composed epitaph reads: "John Newton, clerk. Once an
infidel and libertine, a servant of slaves in Africa, was, by the rich mercy of
our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, restored, pardoned and appointed to preach
the Gospel which he had long laboured to destroy. He ministered, near sixteen
years in Olney, in Bucks, and twenty years in this Church."
Example #3: Adoniram
Adoniram Judson's father was a pastor whose devotion to truth
continually brought conflict with weak churches. Extraordinarily intelligent,
Adoniram was strongly encouraged to serve God. As a child he preached to his
friends, and he entered college with thoughts of becoming a pastor. Ambitious
for fame, Judson's free time was given more to social activity than religious
practice. Judson befriended Jacob Eames, an outspoken unbeliever, and Judson's "Christianity"
collapsed. Shortly after graduation, Judson left home, planning to associate
with the theater in New York City. He hid the most unacceptable aspects of his plans
from his parents, while revealing he no longer believed in God or the Bible. His
trip to New York was disappointing. For a time he traveled with a group of
actors who habitually left towns without paying their debts. Discouraged and
disappointed, Judson left the group. Arriving at a small village inn, Judson
took the only room available, next door to a dying man. Throughout the night
Adoniram heard the tortured moaning; he wondered if the man was ready for death,
sparking his own personal doubts. In the morning Judson learned that the young
man, now deceased, was Jacob Eames. Tormented, Judson enrolled in seminary as a
seeker of truth. He was soon converted and before long became the first
American foreign missionary. His life was spent opening the country of Burma to
the gospel; he faithfully taught and translated the Bible. It was ultimately
stated, "Today, there are 6 million Christians in Myanmar [Burma], and
every one of us traces our spiritual heritage to one man - the Reverend
Adoniram Judson."
Example #4: every
While individuals may not consider their own stories as
dramatic as those listed above, every single salvation is an act of God's
grace. Every person, no matter how moral he may seem, no matter what good deeds
he may do, is an enemy of God by nature. "You
were formerly alienated and hostile" (Colossians 1:21). Aside from his
undeserving state, no one was saved because his heart was seeking God. "There is none who seeks for God"
(Romans 3:11). It is God's grace that draws and invites sinners. "No one can come to Me unless the
Father who sent Me draws him" (John 6:44). Every salvation is a divine
act, brought about in spite of man's animosity and wandering. "But God, being rich in mercy, because
of His great love with which He loved us even when we were dead in our
transgressions ... For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not
of yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:4-5,8).
Before salvation, individual lives fall on a broad spectrum
including prolific service, outward conformity, desire for acceptance, empty
claims, curious questioning, spiritual disinterest, teenaged rebellion, wandering
rejection, vicious attacks, and outright hatred. Whether one's background is false
religion like Saul, limited Biblical training like Newton, or rich opportunity
like Judson, the solution is always salvation by God's grace. This truth should
fill every Christian with humility, gratitude, and amazement. The truth should
encourage the unsaved; these testimonies answer the probing question "Is
there ANYONE that God cannot save?" with a resounding "Absolutely
"Amazing grace! How
sweet the sound
That saved a wretch
like me!I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see." (John Newton)
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