Some common thoughts lead to these devotional drags and
snags. As I provide sample statements to represent these weaknesses, I fully
realize that they can contain a measure of truth and can be meant differently
by various people. My intent is not to criticize or condemn, but rather to
clarify or adjust the thinking in order to provide better understanding and
prompt greater profit.
1) "I didn't have
my devotions yesterday, so I had a terrible day."
People who think this way often reflect a similar thinking
about God in other areas. They see God primarily as a disciplinarian, perhaps
impatient, ready to punish them for every offense. They know that God loves
them, but His love is viewed as more intellectual and dutiful than personal.
The truth is that God has a very personal, intimate, and
tender love for each of His children. He wants His best for them, and He wants
to bless them. He is ready to prosper their struggling attempts and is quick to
forgive. The statement above (and the thinking that goes with it) would be much
more applicable to ancient deities or animistic religions than of the true God.
God is not magical or mystical. He is not capricious or
vindictive. He will not make someone's entire day fall apart or his life be
beset with tragedies because he missed reading His Word that morning. Having
devotions is not a good luck charm. Someone who thinks this way (or the
opposite - "I read my Bible, so I'll have a great day") is placing
too much emphasis on his own efforts and merits. The truth is that God will
give to each day what He deems best for that day; His decisions are based on
His great wisdom, not on one's failure to have devotions.
Obviously, someone could carry this clarification too far in
the other direction, asserting that it matters not at all whether he reads his
Bible. That is, of course, false. Reading the Bible does matter. The reason
that the above quotation sounds legitimate is that regularly reading the Bible helps
a believer to learn more about God and helps to direct his thoughts God-ward.
It helps him to have a godly and biblical mindset as he goes throughout his
Just like conversation or interaction with any special
person, such as a spouse or friend, interaction with God has a positive and
beneficial effect. It can be a helpful and encouraging opener to the day. It
can help a Christian to start off on the right foot, so to speak, but failure
to read the Bible will not inevitably or mysteriously ruin his day. A more precise
statement could be, "I didn't give
any thought to God yesterday, and that oversight affected my ability to handle
my day properly and with a biblical mindset."
This truth can encourage someone who for whatever reason
misses his devotions on a particular day. He may not have the opportunity to
sit and read his Bible during the course of work, school, or activities, but he
can still direct his thoughts to God. The day is not hopeless, and the
opportunity to properly channel his thinking is not lost.
2) "I have to
read the Bible to get a verse to help me today."
This sounds like a wonderful thought. The person verbalizing
it realizes that he needs help and that the Bible is the place to find that
help. To that extent, it is good thinking. It is short-sighted, however, and
comes from someone focused on the immediate. This Christian is probably in a
constantly overwhelmed state by whatever challenge happens to dominate that particular
First, he faces a challenge in successfully finding his
daily verse. Unless he limits himself to the Psalms or a few choice verses, he
will have a hard time effectively locating an applicable verse for his current
state. The Psalms are wonderful, but there is much more to the Bible, so,
secondly, this believer is likely to have a shallow and unbalanced knowledge of
the Bible.
Third, this type of person can be frustrated, thinking that
the Bible doesn't apply very well to his life. He might view the Bible as
old-fashioned and impractical, not lining up with his life circumstances.
Fourth, skimming or scouring the Bible for a verse to meet a particular need or
a specifically-focused trouble can easily lead to misinterpretation. The reader
filters everything he reads through his current problem and can construe verses
to mean what they do not.
Fifth, and perhaps most significant, this reader is likely
to have limited profit from the Bible. When he finds a verse to apply to his
immediate need for the day, he stops looking. His searching of the Word ends
too soon, and he misses the grand purpose of the Bible. Instead of looking for
help for himself for the day, he should be looking for God and His truth.
Ironically, it is in knowing God through a thorough knowledge of the entire
Bible that the reader will find the most meaningful help for each day. With a
strong foundation, a Christian has spiritual stability and is not nearly so
desperate for the daily "perfect" verse. Changing daily challenges are
less capable of throwing him into desperation, and he will be more likely to
know where to go for help in specific challenges.
There are days and even seasons of life in which a person
might need to dwell in a certain part of the Bible, a particular truth, or a
special verse. There are days when the proper statement is "I especially need God's help today," but a better
habitual statement would be "I need
to progress deeper into God's truth."