The blog title and quotation in the header come from one of
my favorite hymns, “Higher Ground.” This hymn captures the desire of my heart,
a desire that I wish were more of a constant focus and an unrelenting passion.
The hymn very aptly pictures what real Christianity – life after salvation – is
all about. Salvation is not merely an all-important decision that one must
make, after which he can simply coast through the rest of life. Salvation is
the beginning of something much bigger. Like a newborn baby or a tiny seed, a
new Christian should begin to grow and flourish. That growth process will not
end until Christ returns and ultimately frees man from his sin-cursed body.
Until then a Christian is (or should be) constantly striving to be more like
Christ, to please God more, to know Him better, to love Him more, to become
more mature, to reach higher levels. No matter which phrase is chosen to
describe the process, all have a common theme – that there is always higher
ground to strive for. A Christian must then press on, keep climbing, and
earnestly push toward that goal.
There are a lot of Christians in the world, and they do not
all look alike. Some accept the gift of salvation but never progress much
further. Whether from lack of desire, lack of training, or some other factor,
they live their post-salvation lives much like they did their pre-salvation
lives. They have escaped eternal condemnation, but with little noticeable
impact on a practical basis. This anemic Christianity has several unfortunate results.
It contributes to a weak church that has little influence on the world around
it. It produces Christians who lack the joy and satisfaction of the abundant
life that Christ can provide. It disillusions teens and young adults, who end
up walking away from their Christian training. Finally, it stifles new
believers, who never become active or faithful in church. There are damaging
consequences individually and corporately when Christians fail to press on to
higher ground.
At the other end of the spectrum, there are many sweet,
godly Christians whose close walk with God is clearly evident to everyone
around them. There are respected leaders and mentors who look like Christ. It
is easy to recognize these Christians as people who really know God. They are
examples of what Christians ought to be like. Both the world and the church need
to see this kind of Christian; they need to see someone who is different, who
is noticeably alive in Christ. What makes the difference? The more vibrant
group did not start that way. Those people were not always as alive as they are
now. No, they had to keep climbing and keep pushing higher. The other group,
sadly, was content to remain where it was. Of course, not every Christian falls
into one of those two groups. There are Christians at various stages in between
the two extremes, representing people at differing levels of growth. Every
Christian falls somewhere on the spectrum. The question to ask, however, is not
“Where do I fall on the scale?” but “Am I moving upward?”
The purpose of this blog is to encourage others in the
upward movement toward higher ground. The entries will discuss topics related
to strengthening one’s relationship with God. These will include personal
testimony, ideas for Bible study, book reviews, poetry, and more. There may not
be much new information, but sometimes we don’t need something new; we simply
need to be reminded of the old. There is a bit of pressure in an endeavor like
this, because I don’t have all the answers, and I’m not at the top of the
mountain. A blog with this purpose could seem presumptuous, as if I am saying,
“This is what the higher ground looks like, and this is how I got here.” I am
very aware that such is not the case. I thank God for the growth He has given
and that I am no longer at the foot of the mountain, but I am climbing just
like everyone else. There are days that I consider a blog like this (or any
service for God) and think, “I struggle so much that I am not the least bit
qualified to do this.” Rather than refusing to serve God because I am not
perfect, however, I believe God wants me to take what He has given me and pass
it on. My “qualifications” are the truth of God and the grace of God. Without God’s
truth and wisdom, I have nothing to share. Without His grace, I not only lack
the ability to share His truth but also am in danger of falling back down
the mountain myself.
I pray that this blog will consistently reflect a heart that
is seeking to press on to higher ground and that it will regularly be a
blessing to others whose hearts share that desire. Do you share my passion? Do
you want to press on to higher ground? Let’s climb together.
“Not that I have
already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I
may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I
do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I
press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ
Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 (NASB)